Those who were unfortunate enough to miss my starring performances in such classics as ‘Lady Chatterley’s Final Fling’ and my masterful portrayal as Herr Flick in the Churn Valley production
of ‘Ello, Ello’ are in for a treat! I’ve decided that the trouble with live theatre is that too few of my admirers have been able to enjoy my epic performances – so this time (by popular demand) I’ve made myself available to a much wider audience and will be featuring prominently in a brand new Hollywood classic ‘Agatha Raisin and the Quiche of Death’ which is due to be broadcast on Sky this coming Christmas. Not content with just one role I expect to be featured in a number of character parts, including …..the man driving a vintage car (Bertie) down the road …..the chap carrying an old fashioned gramophone … and, perhaps my most demanding role, so far, that of ….the bloke on the vegetable stand at the village fair! Anyone seeking exemplars of high quality ‘method’ acting need look no further than this masterpiece of modern cinema.

Seriously though ……..I happened to meet the casting director when the production company was recceing our Village Hall as a location for this this pilot episode and of course when he asked ‘does anyone want to be in it?’ my natural reticence went completely by the board and before you could say ‘Errol Flynn’ I found myself signed up for two days as a ‘supporting artiste’ (the new term for those stalwarts I’ve always known as extras). As I’m now completely smitten and stage struck I strongly advise you to watch this space for news of my next starring performance. Just think … day you’ll be able to say ‘I knew him before he was famous!’….. but don’t hold your breath.