Having arrived at the campsite on Tuesday afternoon we decided to treat Wednesday as a day off and did very little other than have a general sort-out, enjoy a beer in the bar and get the bikes off the back of the van. In doing so we noticed that Denise’s bike had a slow puncture, so the following day we set off into Salamanca (around five miles along an excellent cyclepath) stopping along the way at a local bike shop who kindly replaced the innertube for the princely sum of eight euros.
Salamanca is an ancient university town (a bit like Oxford without the traffic problems) and, despite having been well and truly hammered over the years in the course of various wars, boasts some beautiful architecture and a lovely ambiance – admittedly, wall-to-wall sunshine helps with the latter. The cyclepath took us as far as the Roman Bridge over the River Tormes from where we walked up into the heart of the old city.

As with virtually all the Spanish cities we’ve visited over the years the cathedral is especially impressive/beautiful/spectacular (choose any similar adjective) and we got to discussing what Europe of the Middle Ages would have been like if all the wealth that was poured into the Church had been distributed more directly to the poor and needy. Would the arts have developed in the same way? Would wars have been so frequent and so destructive? Answers on a postcard please – but don’t expect a response.
As we were leaving the old part of the city we spotted a sign outside a shop that obviously caters to all the needs of visiting tourists. That’s Spanish enterprise for you!