Tag Archives: Airey’s Inlet

From Airey’s Inlet to Melbourne

If this is Wednesday we must be getting near Melbourne.  The Cockatoos were back for breakfast but worked out pretty quickly that it wasn’t for sharing.  As we drove East from our overnight stop at Airey’s Inlet through Anglesea and Torquay the character of the area started to change – rather less quaint and rather more ‘big money’; this is obviously where the wealthy of Melbourne have their beachside houses and apartments.


After a brief visit to the Bellarine Peninsular, where we had coffee overlooking the entrance to Port Phillip Bay, we stopped off at the State Rose Garden at Werribee which (for the non gardeners amongst you) is rather more interesting than it sounds.  Dozens of different varieties of roses (surprise) and most exciting of all…. fruitbats!  With a wingspan of  2 to 3 feet, not something you’d really want to encounter on a dark night.


Port Campbell, up the Great Ocean Road to Airey’s Inlet

OK, so today was just a teensy weensy bit warm.  Just as we thought we were getting used to the warmth of the Australian summer it decided to throw in a hot one; 41 degrees on the thermometer and a warm breeze blowing from inland – the effect was like putting your head in an open oven at regulo 5!  Still, given a choice of this or a light covering of snow in the Cotswolds, its got to be a no-brainer hasn’t it? (Sorry Claire).

IMGP3163Just for a change the Great Ocean Road which took us from Port Campbell up to Airey’s Inlet was quite busy, so we took our time and soaked up the sunshine and the scenery.  Most of the traffic was, like us, happy to coast along – not that we had much choice in the matter (note to self; if ever we decide to buy a small car be sure to avoid the Hyundai i20 which has marginally less power than Denise’s sewing machine).  Still, it didn’t matter too much as around every bend we stopped, either for a swim or to snap some more photos of the fantastic coastline.

The Twelve Apostles are one of Australia’s most famous landmarks – the only problem is that from time to time coastal erosion does its bit and one of the apostles falls into the Southern Ocean.  I think that at the last count there were ten; but no matter – they are , simply, stunning.

Now, believe me, in the course of my life I’ve seen a cockatoo!  But when the bloody things sit on your veranda and demand to be fed that’s another thing altogether.  Just goes to prove that no living creature can resist the smell of freshly cooked bacon!
