There was half an inch of snow on the ground when we left home and none at all to be seen when we arrived in Verona; however, by the time we’d made the two and a half hour coach journey up into the Dolomites and reached Canazei there was a reasonable covering – much to our relief! Apparently there was a good dump of snow yesterday and the forecast for the rest of the week is for light showers and cool temperatures, so with any luck we should have good skiing conditions for the rest of the holiday.

Not having been skiing for a couple of years we had the usual worries about getting back on the snow; fortunately the conditions on the mountain this morning were excellent and we managed to survive the first day without any significant tumbles. In the premise that discretion is definitely the better part of valour, and recognising the early signs of ‘jelly legs’, we decided to call it a day at around 2.00pm and were back in the chalet in time for tea and lemon drizzle cake at 3.00. Good decision!